Natively Multichain

Spanning Labs designs developer tools that enable Web3 teams to seamlessly deploy and maintain multichain projects.

Become a partner

Deploy once, on the right chain for your project

Whether your priorities are transaction speed or decentralization, choose the right chain for your project needs. Users will always have access to a single version of your asset - maintaining any functionality and utility.

Grow your potential market by meeting users where they’re at

No matter which originating network, users will have frictionless transactions on your project. No more bridging in sight.

Simple adaptive APIs

From five lines of code or less to multi-chain support for your project.

Developer docs

How it Works

No need for multiple wallets

The Spanning Network allows users to own their assets, no matter their originating chain. The delegate contracts act as a registered agent on the users behalf - meaning nothing is ever custodied. Contracts are always held in the users name utilizing multi-chain addressing.

A team fuel by passion and driven by innovation

Drew Beller


Prateek Shah


Alicia Kranjc


Jade Sloan


Yinbo Wen


Dylan Zhang

Business Development

Interested in Working with Spanning Labs?

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